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In the struggle with Yale this afternoon, the nine need just the same kind of support that was given them in the Princeton game. If ever a proof was asked that cheering tells, it was given by the contrast between the Pennsylvania and Princeton games; the members of the team say that the support of the students, in the latter, was a great aid.

We believe that cheering at a game-robust and enthusiastic-is the proper thing. It makes the most conspicuous difference between college and professional games; it shows that there is loyalty to an institution as well as interest in a sport. And there is no reason why cheering for the home team should not be so conducted as to be entirely consistent with all courtesy to visiting teams. Applause is fitted for good plays, and should be given, no matter by whom the good play is made; but cheering is by its nature adapted for the support of only one team.

Affairs in Harvard baseball are at a crisis. If the nine lose today, the series is, practically speaking, gone. The game must be won. Students and nine must work together from start to finish, without dismay if Yale should hold the lead, without slackening if Harvard should gain an advantage. It is everybody together for Harvard, or the game is Yale's
