
Official Notice.

SENIOR FORENSICS.- Seniors who have taken English C this year may have their forensics at Sever 10 on Thursday, June 21, 2-4, and on Saturday, June 23, 9-4.

G. P. BAKER.FRENCH 6.- Marks in this course are ready and will be given out by letter or postal card only. Seniors' marks will be sent to the office on Thursday morning.

F. C. DESUMICHRAST.ANY student who may have taken either Dana's Manual of Geology, Le Contes' Elements, or Geikie's Class Book, from the shelves in Room 2 at the Museum, will confer a great favor by returning them at once.

R. E. DODGE.ENGLISH 24.- Reports will be returned in Sever 1 on Tuesday, June 19, between 12 and 1.

GERMAN DEPARTMENT LIBRARY.- Holders of keys are requested to return the same in person at Sever 4 on Tuesday, June 19, at 9.15 a. m.


KUNO FRANCKE.HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY.- Students who leave Cambridge for the Vacation must first return all books borrowed from the Library.

ENGLISH 5.- Themes will be returned in Sever 1 on Tuesday, June 19, between 12 and 1.

GYMNASIUM LOCKERS.- Students are again reminded to clear out their lockers and return the keys before Class Day. tf
