
New London News.

The past week at New London, with the exception of one or two days, has been decidely above average rowing weather. The principal event of importance with the 'varsity was the trial of the new cedar shell built by Davy. Entirely rigged it weighs 224 pounds, and is far stiffer than the Waters paper shell which weighs at least 25 pounds more. The crew began rowing in the new cedar shell last Thursday and there seems to be considerable satisfaction with it. The English boat will probably be tried this week.

Examinations which were not allowed as in previous years to begin an hour earlier, have interfered somewhat with morning rows, for the sun towards noon has been very hot.

N. Perkins and Watriss '92 have been coaching steadily during the week. The men are all in good condition and eager for the hard work which this week must bring forth.
