The second sale to seniors of Class Day tickets will take place this afternoon from 1.30 to 3.30 p. m. At this sale those seniors who did not yesterday purchase tickets can secure them in packages containing two Sanders, eight Tree and ten Memorial tickets. The price of each package will be $8.50, and but one package will be sold to a senior. Yard tickets can be had at 10 cents each.
On Friday the third sale to seniors will take place. Packages containing five Yard and five Memorial tickets will also be sold for $3.50 each to graduating members of other departments of the University and to them alone. No packages will be sold to seniors on Friday, but the price for single tickets at that one sale will be as follows:
Memorial and Tree tickets, 75 cents each.
Sanders tickets, $1.50 each.
Sanders Theatre admittance tickets, 75 cents each.
Yard tickets, 10 cents.
Tickets purchased in packages may be returned and the cost price refunded between 11 and 12 a. m., June 18, but at no other time.
The caps and gowns of those who ordered before April 1, and some of those who ordered later than that, are at the Cooperative Society and can be had at any time.
Purchasers of tickets are reminded that every Yard or Memorial ticket given out by them must bear their signatures, preferably on the face of the card, unless the ticket bears the stamp of the chairman of the Class Day Committee.
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