

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

We have been informed by a member of the class that there are a certain number of seniors who do not favor the regulations which we have announced will govern the sale of Class Day tickets. They say that the class has not voted on this plan and as they personally do not like it they feel no obligation to fulfil the conditions. Moreover, we hear that these same men are openly promising to sell their tickets to others.

The first objection, that the committee has not submitted the plan for the sale of tickets to the class and that each man is therefore at liberty to ignore the regulations, can be dismissed simply with the statement that the class in electing its committee gives it the power to make such arrangements for Class Day as its own judgement and the experience of other Class Day committees show to be the most expedient.

But the apparent intention to violate openly the rule which prohibits one senior from selling or in any way bartering his tickets to another senior, or to any one but the Class Day Committee, deserves serious consideration. In adopting this regulation we have made no arbitrary decision, but have acted entirely on the experience and advice of other committees. It is absolutely essential that to insure the proper distribution of tickets the committee must hold rigidly to this rule and discountenance any violation of it either in spirit or in letter. Consequently every senior who purchases a ticket from the Class Day Committee tacitly agrees to conform to this rule. If he does not do so his action cannot in any way be said to be honorable. We do not care to go on the assumption that it is necessary to make every purchaser sign a paper pledging himself to abide by the principles which govern the sale of tickets, believing that a man's honor is sufficient guarantee that he will observe those rules.


We appeal to the members of the senior class to discountenance in every way the spirit which is shown by the small body of men referred to above. We make this appeal, moreover, in the interests of the class and for the successful observance of its one great day.
