
Special Notice.

BICYCLE WANTED.- Must be in good condition and of recent make. Address, X, 858 Main St.

CONTENTS of 16 Thayer must be sold at once. Two carpets, sofa, desk, 6 chairs, 2 tables, bed, bureau, washstand, set of china, etc., etc. Everything for $30.

TUTORING.- Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish. All the introductory and freshman courses.

M. E. GILL '90, 36 Mt. Auburn St.94 5t

WILL the students who helped me up in the accident, corner Harvard and Plympton streets, 1 o'clock Friday night June 1, please send their names and addresses to J. M. G., 23 Mill St., Cambridge.


LOST.- Will the man who took a cane from the north basement of Matthews yesterday afternoon please return it to the owner at 9 Matthews.

TUTORING in History 12, Government 4 and Government 7.

E. A. HOWES, JR., '94, 18 Stoughton.93 2t
