
Interscholastic Games.

The interscholastic games held on Holmes Field Saturday afternoon were by far the most notable in the history of the association. In many cases the records were up to the standard of the intercollegiates. Phillips Andover showed up surprisingly well and beat out Worcester Academy by two points. Finlay, a brother of Finlay '91, put the shot 39ft. 11in., and Laing ran a remarkably well-judged race in the mile, finishing far ahead of his nearest rival. The running of Bigelow and Burke, and Johnson's work with the hammer and in the broad jump were deserving of the highest praise. The summary:

100 yards dash-Won by Bigelow, W. H. S.; second, Roche, W. H. S.; third, Clark, W. A. Time, 10 1-5s.

120 yards hurdles-Won by Le Boutillier, P. A.; second, Ferguson, E. H. S.; third, Chase, W. A. Time, 17 3-5s.

880 yds. run-Won by Hull, W. A.; second, Judd, W. A.; third, Gaskill, W. A. Time, 2m. 8 3-5s.

One mile bicycle-Won by Densmore, Hale's; second, Buck, Hop.; third, Bradlee, Hop.; time, 2m. 41 3-5s.


440 yds. dash-Won by Burke, E. H. S.; second, Hull, W. A.; third, Fish, W. A. Time, 50 3-5s.

Mile walk-Won by Delaney, W. H. S.; second, Moore, N. H. S.; third, Lockwood, W. A. Time, 7m. 53 4-5s.

220 yds. hurdles-Won by Hine, P. A.; second, Fuller, C. H. S.; third, Johnson, E. H. S. Time, 27s.

220 yds. dash-Won by Bigelow, W. H. S.; second, Burke, E. H. S.; third, Roche, W. H. S. Time, 22 2-5s.

Mile run-Won by Laing, P. A.; second, Starbuck, P. A.; third, Curtis, W. A. Time, 4m. 34 2-5s.

Running high jump-Won by Gordon, W. A.; Day, N. H. S. and Holt R. L. S., tied for second. Height 5ft. 5 1-8in.

Putting 16 1b. shot-Won by Finlay, P. A.; second, O'Brien, E. H. S.; third, Holt, P. A. Distance, 39ft. 11in.

Running broad jump-Won by Johnson, B. H. S.; second, Durand, P. A.; third, Clark, W. A. Distance, 21ft. 5 5-8in.

Throwing 12 1b. hammer-Won by Johnson, B. H. S.; second, Sargent, Hop.; third, Perkins, Hop. Distance, 125ft.

Pole vault-Won by Johnson, W. A.; second, Davis, P. A.; Curtis, Hop., Curtis, W. A., Shaw, M. A., Sherwin. R. L. S. and Simons, P. A., tied for third. Height, 10ft., 7-8in.
