Copies of the following notice have been sent to all men on the senior class list:
Class Day tickets will be sold to seniors from the windows of Grays 17 at the following times:
Tuesday, June 12, 1.30 to 3.30.
Wednesday, June 13, 1.30 to 3.30.
Friday, June 15, 1.30 to 3.30.
At the first two sales tickets will be sold in packages, one to each senior, containing two Sanders, eight Tree, and ten Memorial tickets. The price of each package will be $8.50. Yard tickets can be purchased for ten cents each at any of the three sales.
At the second sale packages containing five Yard and five Memorial tickets will be sold for $3.50 each to graduating members of other departments of the University.
No packages will be sold by proxy.
At the third sale to seniors no packages will be sold. The price for single tickets at that one sale will be as follows:
Memorial and Tree tickets, 75 cents each.
Sanders tickets, $1.50 each.
Yard tickets, 10 cents each.
Sales of tickets open to all members of the University will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 18, 19 and 20, from 2 to 3.30 p. m. The price of tickets will be as follows:
Yard tickets, 25 cents each.
Memorial tickets, $1.50 each.
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