
Special Notice.

STUDENTS desiring employment for whole or part of the summer, call at 9 Thayer between 9 and 10.

MESSRS Stone and Kimball announce the appearance of the new edition of Mr. Bliss Carmen's "Low Tide on the Grand Pre," also "Crumbling Idols," by Hamlin Garland, and "The Robbs Island Wreck and Other Stories," by Lyon R. Meekins. 54 5t

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. Residence, cor. Main and Inman Sts. 1y

ALL members of the graduating class of the college and the Law School who desire the '94 Portfolio are requested to sign at once the blue-books either at Thurston's or the Cooperative. 34 tf

THERE are a few rooms in Ware Hall, the new dormitory at the corner of Harvard and Ware streets, still to be leased. Plans and prices can be had at Thurston's. 39-tf.


A CLUB can be accommodated, also seats at a general table at Mrs. Carter's, 894 Main street. Price six dollars. 63 3t

TUTORING for final examinations in Mathematics.

PERRY LAWTON '88, A. M., B. L., 12 Shepherd's Block.66 tf

JOHN the Orangeman has for sale photographs of himself with his cart and donkey. Price, fifty cents.
