

'VARSITY GLEE, BANJO AND MANDOLIN CLUBS.- Concert tonight in Jamaica Plain. Leave Harvard Square by special electric car at 6.40 sharp. As the car has to be started on time, every man must be prompt. Ask the car-starter for special car.

J. D. GREENE.CRIMSON.- Meeting of the Board at 1.30.

FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Members must be at Pach's studio today with their instruments, and in street dress at 3 o'clock sharp.

R. L. SCAIFE, Sec.PICTURES of winners in Harvard-Yale debates will be taken on Monday, May 14, at 1.30 p. m. The following will please be at Pach's studio at that time: Duniway, Hutton, Douglas, Prescott. Apsey, Hayes, Vrooman, Warren, Stone, Lakin, Dallinger, McLaughlin. If anybody can not keep this engagement, please send word to 30 Stoughton before May 10. 65 6t

PIERIAN.- Rehearsal promptly at 7. No cuts.


C. L. SAFFORD, Leader.AN ARCTIC EXPEDITION FOR COLLEGE MEN!- This expedition is intended both as a means of recreation and scientific research. It will consist mostly of college students and professors, and rare opportunities are offered to those who are interested in geological work, as well as to sportsmen, who will be given exceptional advantages for hunting. Parties from Yale and other leading universities have been booked. The number will probably be limited to fifty. I shall be glad to confer with any Harvard students or professors who may desire further information in regard to this trip.

MAYNARD LADD '94, 9 Matthews Hall.ALL candidates for the cricket team will be on Holmes Field today at 3 o'clock dressed to play.

P. H. CLARK, Capt.47 tf
