
Memorial Services.

The memorial services in Sanders Theatre yesterday afternoon were opened by the Glee Club, which sang two verses of "America." Major Henry L. Higginson then made a few remarks, dwelling chiefly on the sad fortune of the women who sent husbands, brothers and lovers to the war only to lose them for their country's sake.

After Major Higginson, Professor Charles Elliot Norton spoke as follows:

"We meet to do honor to the memory of the sons of Harvard who gave themselves to the country in the war for national existence, the war for justice, law and liberty; the foundations of civilization. They have left us a noble example and an heroic tradition. It is well to cherish and to hand on that tradition, that it may quicken the immagination and lift the spirit of each new generation of Harvard men.

"Therefore today we, the elders, call upon you, our successors, to share with us in the emotions which the undimmed memories of the war wake in our hearts. We appeal to you with your quick sympathies to feel a thrill of just exultation in recalling the example of your young predecessors, when opportunity, the last best gift of fortune, was given to Harvard students to show the temper of their souls, and to express in action the best lesson they had learned from the lips of our Alma Mater,- the lesson of self-devotion to the common good.

"The service of our fellow men never ends. It changes, but it never ends. It is not yours to serve in heroic ways, in the hardships of camp and the passion of


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