
The New Elective Pamphlet.

The pamphlet of electives for 1894-95 has just been published. In the main it is the same as last year's but there are several important changes and additions.

Professors Wendell and Francke are to be away, it being their sabatical year. In the absence of Professor Wendell English 23 is to be omitted, English 12 will be given by Messrs. Gardiner and Young, and Messrs. Young and Abbot have been added to the instructors in English B. Professor Francke's chief courses are to be taken by Professors Von Jagemann and Schilling, while his less important courses will be omitted.

In the English department, English Aa and Ab will not be given as separate courses, but are to be united in the one course, English A. In this course there will be one lecture a week and nearly twice as many themes will be required as there have been this year. In English B and C attendance will be required during the ensuing year. In English B half the time will be allotted to narration and description and half to exposition. There will be no time devoted to argument, but it is hoped by giving fuller drill in exposition to give better preparation for the argument in English C.

German A will be given by Mr. Nichols and Dr. Bierwirth, who will take the classes which have been held this year by Professor Schilling. German B, which was omitted in the current year, will be resumed under Mr. Nichols, and in German F, Dr. Poll will take the place of Dr. Bierwirth.

The only change of importance in the French Department is the addition of Dr. Muse to the list of instructors. French 7 will be omitted, to be resumed in 1895-96.


The most important change in the Historical Department is that History 1 is to be conducted entirely by Dr. Coolidge during the ensuing year.

In Mathematics, courses A and 1 have been combined and Math. 7 has been divided into 7a and 7b.

The greatest additions to the list of last year are in the Engineering Department. In this department alone there have been added 43 new courses relating to all the branches of engineering.

A new Department of Architecture has been established under Mr. Warren. In this department there are new courses in drawing and architectural design. These courses are intended primarily for students in the Lawrence Scientific School, and only one of the courses can be counted towards the degree of A. B.
