We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.
To the Editors of the Crimson:
It is desired to all attention to the scrub baseball league which is about to be formed. To make this a deserving success the interest of a large number of men must be solicited.
Men who play ball and are within the restrictions placed by the baseball management, can get a great deal of pleasure and exercise out of these games with the loss of very little time.
The majority of scrub nine players are not "fast" players, so that should not deter those of moderate ability from participating.
Let all who can spare the time and who wish to enjoy a few very pleasant afternoons before college closes for the summer get together and form nines, so that the whole affair may go off with the success that the very liberal spirit of the management in providing handsome cups deserves.
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