
Special Notice.

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. Residence, cor. Main and Inman Sts. 1y

TUTORING for final examinations in Mathematics.

PERRY LAWTON '88, A. M., B. L., 12 Shepherd's Block.66 tf

ALL seniors who have not yet had their photographs taken are urged to do so at once so that they may appear in the Portfolio. 74 tf

ALL members of the graduating class of the college and the Law School who desire the '94 Portfolio are requested to sign at once the blue-books either at Thurston's or the Cooperative. 34 tf


TUTORING.- Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish.

M. E. GILL, 36 Mt. Auburn St.79 6t

A GROUP picture of all college editors will be taken at Pach's studio, Tuesday, at 1.30 sharp. This picture is for the '94 Portfolio and all editors are urged to be present. 80 tf

ONE single and one double suite are to let in Quincy Hall. Enquire at McNamee's Bindery, 418a Harvard street. 80 tf

LOST.- Will the man who took an umbrella with the name Hitch cut in the handle from the rack at Memorial at lunch Thursday, please leave it at the auditor's desk?
