
The New England Intercollegiate Games.

In the New England Intercollegiate games which were held in Worcester yesterday the Massachusetts Institute of Technology won first place with 38 points. Brown won 25 1-3 points, Williams 24 and Dartmouth 18. Below is given the winner of first place in each event:

100 yards dash-H. S. Patterson, Williams, 10 3-5s.

220 yards dash-W. S. Deyo, Williams, 23 1-5s.

Half mile run-G. O. Jarvis, Wesleyan, 2m. 1 3-5s.

120 yards hurdles-S. Chase, Dartmouth, 16s.


220 yards hurdles-B. Hurd, M. I. T., 26 3-5s.

440 yards-J. A. Rockwell, M. I. T., 51 1-5s.

Mile run-G. Clapp, M. I. T., 4m. 39 1-5s.

Two mile bicycle-W. C. Marmon, M. I. T., 5m. 50 2-5s.

Running high jump-S. A. Macomber, Brown, 5ft. 7 1-4in.

Running broad jump-F. W. Marvel, Brown, 22ft. 2 3-8in.

Shot-F. E. Smith. Brown, 37ft. 3 1-2in.

Hammer-F. E. Smith, Brown, 109ft. 10in.

Pole vault-M. D. Dunning, Amherst, and H. L. Brown, Williams, 10ft. 2 1-2in. (points divided).

Mile walk-H. F. Houghton, Amherst, 7m. 15 3-5s.
