
Professor Goodwin's Lecture.

Professor Goodwin gave a lecture last evening in Harvard 1 on "Recent Excavations in Troy.

There has been a great deal of discussion, he said, as to whether the Troy of Homer was a real city, and if so, where its site was to be found. In 1873 Professor Schlieman began excavations on a hill overlooking the Plain of Troy in the northwest of Troad. In the centre of the hill he found the ruins of six cities, built one upon the other. The oldest of these cities was probably built about 2000 B. C. Later work among the ruins has shown the existence of three other settlements. The last of these was the Roman Ilium. Dr. Dorpfeld, who has been working in the excavations, believes with a good deal of reason that the sixth settlement was the Troy of Homer, built about 1200 B. C. He bases his opinion on a kind of pottery found in the ruins which was used at that period. The walls of the city at this time and later were built of a low foundation of stone three or four feet high topped by a wall of about fifteen feet made of sun-dried brick. Some authorities believe that a large amount of gold and silver treasure found in the second city show that it was the Troy of Homeric time. But there are many reasons for believing that it was not.

The lecture was illustrated by a number of stereopticon views of the excavations.
