
No Headline

As it is late in the season it is but right that the freshman class should know the financial condition of its crew. The members of the class alone are responsible for the support of their crew and the following estimate of what this year's expenses will be, will help them to realize how far short of giving the crew proper support they have fallen:

Outfits, $90.00

Boats and oars, 1200.00

University crew, 200.00

Training table, 600.00


New London, 900.00

Medical, etc. 80.00


Toward covering this sum the class has already subscribed about $1500 and $200 will be received from the freshman musical organizations. In addition to the crew's expenses a debt of nearly $500 has been handed over by the freshman football management which must also be paid. It rests with the men who have not already subscribed to put the crew on a firm financial basis.
