
Acquisition to Peabody Museum.

At a recent meeting of the Trustees of the Peabody Museum, the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop presiding, Mr. Lowell read the following letter from Mr. Augustus Hemenway:

BOSTON, April 24, 1894.

To the Trustees of the Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass.:

DEAR SIRS:- By the will of the late Mrs. Mary Hemenway, her trustees are authorized to dispose of her collections of archaeological, historical and educational objects and relics in their discretion, but always in such manner as they shall deem best calculated to promote and assist in the study of history and archaeology.

It being Mrs. Hemenway's desire that said collections should be kept together and not dispersed, I write in behalf of the trustees of Mrs. Hemenway's estate, to ask if your board would see fit to give space in the Museum for the installation of the collection pertaining to American Archaeology, the installation, classification, etc., to be under the immediate direction of Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, subject to the Director of the Museum, this work to be done at the expense of the trustee of Mrs. Hemenway's estate; the ownership and absolute control of the collection to remain with the said trustees, they not being prepared at this time to commit themselves to a final disposition of the same.


The collections consist mainly of articles associated with the tribal life and history of the Zuni and Moqui Indians.

Yours truly,

AUGUSTUS HEMENWAY.After remarks by Professor Putnam on the importance of the Hemenway collections and their arrangement in the Peabody Museum, for which at present a hall sixty feet square could be immediately assigned, on motion of Mr. Lowell the following vote was unanimously passed:

Voted: That the trustees of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology accept with thanks the offer of the trustees of Mrs. Hemenway's estate contained in their letter of April 24.
