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The 'varsity and freshman ball nines won on Saturday the most gratifying victories that have been gained by Harvard athletes this spring. At the begining of the season, it was generally conceded that Brown would take the series from Harvard, and, even when Brown was beaten here, few had the assurance to believe that the next game, to be played on Brown's own grounds, could result in the same way. Captain Wiggin and his men have done good work, and deserve to be heartily congratulated.

The victory of the freshmen over Yale gives even more satisfaction. In a Yale game the whole University feels its athletic reputation to be at stake, and the freshmen, in the first game worthily represented both their class and their University. The playing on both sides was of such a high order that the nine may well feel proud of having proved to be the better team. It is a pleasure to congratulate Captain Dean and all the players on their fine showing.

We are aware that there is danger lest these victories make the nines worse rather than better fitted for the harder games which are to come. To believe, because some victories have been won, that others will come as a matter of course is a provoking foolishness against which every team must fight. A victory ought to stimulate, not to demoralize. There is more encouragement now for hard, unremitting work, and this hard, unremitting work is the one thing to be done. The best time to be elated is when the season is over.
