We wish to speak a word to the men who are to represent the freshman class in baseball and in rowing this spring. Last year the freshman nine was seriously crippled only a day or two before the first game with the Princeton freshmen in that the man, who was then regarded as the strongest pitcher the nine had, was put upon probation. That such loss should not be suffered this year is the concern of the whole University; for the freshman teams bear the responsibility and have the honor of representing not only their class but their University.
We do not mean to inmply that we have knowledge that some one is trembling on the verge of probation; the standing of the men is something the knowledge of which belongs strictly to the men themselves and about which we know nothing. We speak of the matter simply because the temptation is strong for freshman athletes to disegard college work until they find themselves in a position from which there is no recovery. It is a provoking carelessness which is regretted immensely by the men themselves after the harm has resulted, and we caution the men on the nine and the crew to keep their regular work in good shape so that nothing shall prevent their meeting opponents with their full strength.
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