
Special Notice.

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. Residence, cor. Main and Inman Sts. 1y

ALL members of the graduating class of the college and the Law School who desire the '94 Portfolio are requested to sign at once the blue-books either at Thurston's or the Cooperative. 34 tf

TUTORING for final examinations in Mathematics.

PERRY LAWTON '88, A. M., B. L., 12 Shepherd's Block.66 tf

JOHN the Orangeman has for sale photographs of himself with his cart and donkey. Price, fifty cents.


FOR SALE.- Cutter Whitewing, designed by Fife, built by Lawley. Length (water-line) 32 ft., beam 9 ft., draught 7 ft. Good sailor and thoroughly comfortable cruiser.

Address, C. R. STURGIS, 2A Holyoke street.74 6t

51 IRVING Terrace, Kirkland street. Private dormitory for Harvard students. Improvements for next college year: New method of heating, electric lights, double windows: only dormitory where suites of rooms are fully furnished when desired. 74 4t

TUTORING and preparation for the finals in French, German, Spanish and Italian.

J. D. PRINDLE, A. M., '91. 36 Mt. Auburn street.67 9t

TUTORING in Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish.

M. E. Gill, '90, 36 Mt. Auburn street.71 6t

FOR SALE.- A strong, active pony, broken to saddle and harness, good appearing, free from tricks and sound. Also meadow-brook cart and harness. Address, X, Box 2007, Boston. 44 tf

MESSRS Stone and Kimball announce the appearance of the new edition of Mr. Bliss Carmen's "Low Tide on the Grand Pre," also "Crumbling Idols," by Hamlin Garland, and "The Robbs Island Wreck and Other Stories," by Lyon R. Meekins. 54 5t

TO RENT.- Several very pleasant, sunny suites. Apply at 1750 Cambridge St. and for any further information write to Mr. S. Schindler, 34 Berwick Park, Boston. 73 2t w m
