

HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal at 5 p. m. All must be present.

W. D. BROOKINGS, Leader.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Annual Northfield meeting will be held in Holden Chapel, tonight at 6.45. All members of the University are invited.

WENDELL PHILLIPS CLUB.- Any member of the University may obtain a ticket for Gov. Greenhalge's address at 48 Thayer (lower floor, entry nearest Memorial) on Friday, from 12-1 and 5.30-6-30.

ARCTIC EXPEDITION.- The Arctic expedition under the supervision of Dr. F. A. Cook, an old explorer with Peary, will leave New York, June 30, returning the middle of September. A party is now forming from Harvard. All professors and students of geology and botany, etc., will have ample opportunity for scientific research. The hunting and fishing are unequalled. The temperature varies from 35 to 69 degrees, seldom going below freezing point. We shall be glad to furnish any information that may be desired.

MAYNARD LADD '94, 9 Matthews Hall. WM. B. WOLFFE '95, 24 Follen street.71 tf

