The Chicago University commons which were closed some time ago as a financial failure, were re-opened Monday.
The Harvard Dental School has organized a baseball team, with Dr. Walton as captain and Dr. Percival as manager.
A casino is to be erected at Princeton, which will provide accommodations for the annual dances, glee club concerts, and dramatic entertainments, besides having two covered tennis courts.
A special relay race between Princeton and the U. of P., has been arranged for Tuesday, May 22. The first three of U. of P. men will be selected for the Cornell dual games and the Mott Haven meeting.
For the first time in nine years, the University of Michigan will send men to the east to enter the intercollegiate championships. Six men have been picked to take part in the games which are set for May 26 at Berkeley Oval.
At the St. Mary's athletic games, which will be held at the Congress street grounds, Saturday, May 19, there will be a team race of 2400 yards between Harvard and B. A. A. The Harvard team will be composed of the half-milers.
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Co-operative Society Bulletin.