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The committee appointed by the Cor-poration (President Eliot and Dr. Walcott), to recommend future arrangements of the Harvard Dinning Association, have sent the following report which was adopted by the Corporation to the president of the association:

"The committee of the Corporation appointed to confer with the directors of the Dining Hall Association have attended to that duty and beg leave to report that in their judgment all the tables in Memorial Hall should be conducted as club tables, each club having one-half more members than there are seats at the table, and each club to make such arrangements as it prefers to prevent the presence at any one time of more members than there are seats. They are further of the opinion that, if the above plan were carried out, the present process of obtaining checks for meals at general tables could be done away with, and that the money thus saved should be spent on the improvement of the service. Lastly, they think that one new table at the western end of the hall should be reserved as an emergency table for guests or members who find their respective tables full."

This arrangement would accommodate 1121 men, where this winter the greatest number has been 1130.
