

CRICKET ELEVEN.- The following men will be in the square in front of the Co-operative store at 11.30 a. m. to go to Lynn: Meade, Dupont, Whitall, Kenny, Davis, Adams, Gray, Wells, Logan, Parker.

P. H. CLARK, Capt.AN exhibition of Japanese colored photographs will be held at the Harvard Art Store, 3 Harvard Row, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. An explanatory lecture will also be given. The pictures will be for sale.

A PHOTOGRAPH of the Boylston Chemical Club will be taken on the steps of Boylston Hall at 11 a. m. today. All members are urged to be present.

LE ROI G. CRANDON, Sec.FRESHMAN MUSICAL CLUBS.- Concert in Salem tonight. Train leaves Union Station, Boston, at 7 o'clock.

H. W. HOWE.WENDELL PHILLIPS CLUB.- Members of the faculty may obtain tickets for Governor Greenhalge's address on "The Need of Able Public Speakers," to be given in Sanders Theatre on May 18 by writing to


EDW. S. PAGE, 48 Thayer.69 4t

PICTURES of winners in Harvard-Yale debates will be taken in dress suits on Saturday, May 19, at 1.30 instead of May 14. The following men will please be at Pach's studio at that time: Duniway, Hutton, Douglas, Prescott. Apsey, Hayes, Vrooman, Warren, Stone, Lakin, Dallinger, McLaughlin. If anybody cannot keep this engagement, please send word to 30 Stoughton before May 10.

CRIMSON theatre party will be on Saturday, May 19. All ninety-four editors invited. 67 3t

ARCTIC EXPEDITION-The date of sailing of the Arctic expedition under the supervision of Dr. Frederick A. Cook, has been postponed until June 30 at the request of students from Harvard and Yale who do not care to miss the 'varsity and freshman races at New London. A party from Harvard is now forming. I wish to state for the benefit of those who are laboring under the impression that the expedition will meet with intense cold, that the temperature in the regions aimed at, varies from 35 degrees to 50 degrees. It seldom goes below freezing point. I shall be glad to give further information to all who may desire it.

MAYNARD LADD '94, 9 Matthews Hall.
