
Spring Football Squad.

The Spring Squad will end its work as a whole today with a match at 4.15 between the following elevens:

Emmons, left end, Moulton. Rice.

Whittemore, left end, Moulton. Rice.

Crane, left end, Moulton. Rice.

Hallowell, left tackle, Murchie. Teele.


Thompson, left guard, Warren.

Tiffany, left guard, Warren.

Shaw, center, Hoague.

Winslow, center, Faxon.

Bouve, right guard, Livingood.

Bouve, right guard, Eddy.

Gould, right tackle, Pierce

Gould, right tackle, Hovey.

Tileston, right end, Hartwell.

Bryant, right end, Hartwell.

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