

PIERIAN.- The following men be at University Club, Friday, at 8 p. m., sharp: Schurz, Bacon, Perry, Wollaeger, Porter, Walker, Hall, Francis, Scaife, Wells, Johnson, Bolles, Frothingham, Adler, Swift, Rumford, Choate, Lemke, Busch, Capen, Lowell, Easton, Prescott, Gulick, Smith.

C. L. SAFFORD, Leader.'95 NINE.- Practice at 2 p. m. sharp.

I. S. ADAMS, Capt.VERY important meeting of the officers and executive committee of the tennis association in 30 Hilton at 1.30. Everybody must attend.

R. D. WRENN, Pres.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Professor Josiah Royce will speak in Holden Chapel tonight at 6.45. All members of the University are invited.

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- Shoot today at 2.30, open to all members of the University. Handicap and special cups will be shot for if there are enough entries.


E. H. S. ASSOCIATION.- Shingles now ready at 13 Weld, 11-12 mornings, except Friday. 68 3t

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 4.30 p. m.

H. W. HOWE.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 7 o'clock sharp, in Lawrence.

D. C. GREENE, JR.PICTURES of winners in Harvard-Yale debates will be taken on Monday, May 14, at 1.30 p. m. The following will please be at Pach's studio at that time: Duniway, Hutton, Douglas, Prescott. Apsey, Hayes, Vrooman, Warren, Stone, Lakin, Dallinger, McLaughlin. If anybody can not keep this engagement, please send word to 30 Stoughton before May 10. 65 6t
