The Cambridge Tribune was displeased with the statement in the CRIMSON that the plan for a hotel in Cambridge was probably not feasible, and remarks that the existence of the Colonial Club has not, as stated, any bearing upon its success. The Tribune has confused matters. We spoke of the desirability of a hotel from the Harvard, not the Cambridge point of view. It was noted that good accommodations near the College grounds would attract to the University many alumni and friends of the students. The question, however, of practical means had to be ansered. We said that a hotel would probably not pay, and that the formation of a University Club, in connection with which accommodations strictly for Harvard visitors might be given, also seemed impracticable owing to the existence of the Colonial Club. That is, two plans were separately discussed, and it was only in relation to the second that the Colonial Club was mentioned. Any causal relation between the Colonial Club and the probable failure of a hotel was not hinted.
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