
No Headline

The communication in regard to the representation of the Scientific School on Commencement Day is published because it very likely gives expression to a widespread conception and not because it reflects the real state of affairs. The speakers on Commencement Day are not selected in the same manner from all the departments of the University. The College, for example, sets a definite standard which students must reach in order to compete, while the Law School Faculty simply calls for volunteers and selects the most fitting representative from these. The matter is largely one of custom, the one desire being to secure men who will best represent the scholarly activity in the University. Now in the Scientific School there is no precise standard corresponding to that in the College, and yet students who would be fitted to take part will find no difficulty in competing. In fact there has already been one man, taking the degree S. B., who delivered a commencement part.

The real truth of the matter is that until recently the Scientific School was not an important part of the University and that no one there ever thought of speaking at Commencement. Less than ten years ago, there were only fourteen men in the whole School. Today as it is rapidly growing to be one of the most significant departments, there is good reason for having a representative at Commencement, and we should suppose that, if there was some student really able to be this representative, he would be welcomed by the Committee on Commencement Parts. It is, however, to be recognized that, as matters stand today, no injustice is being done.
