We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.
To the Editors of the Crimson:
The membership of the Weld Boat Club is still below the number necessary to pay the yearly expenses. There are excellent lockers and bathing accommodations for more than three hundred; therefore, as a final inducement to men who were thinking of joining, but have about decided to put it off a year, the club has secured the services of Mr. Donovan, an oarsman who has had considerable experience as a coach. Members can make appointments with him at the boat house any afternoon from one o'clock to five. Members of the University who wish to get healthy and pleasant exercise, whether they are experienced oarsmen or beginners, whether they row in four-oars or in singles, will do well to get as much coaching as they can from Mr. Donovan during his eight weeks' stay with the club. He will give special attention to those who are going to enter the races.
W. S. YOUNGMAN, Sec. W. B. C.
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