
Harvard-Yale Debaters.

The three men who were chosen Friday evening to represent Harvard in the coming debate with Yale, are all more or less experienced in debating. W. C. Douglas, Jr., L. S., of Philadelphia, received his preparatory education at the Berkeley School, Boston, where he was prominent as a speaker, being at one time president of the Berkeley debating society. He came to Harvard in '89, and in the fall of '92 spoke for the Harvard Democratic Club in a debate with the Economy Club of Cambridgeport. He has also taken English 6, and has spoken in public occasionally.

C. A. Duniway, Gr., of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, entered Cornell in '88, from the University of Oregon, and graduated with the class of '92. During his college course he was freshman orator, speaker of the Cornell Congress, and " '86 Memorial" speaker. In his senior year he was also editor-in-chief of the Cornell Era. Since he entered the Harvard Graduate School last fall he has done little speaking.

W. E. Hutton '95 prepared for Harvard in the high school at his home in Denver, Colorado. At school he was a prominent speaker, and was president of the debating society. Since entering Harvard he has done little as a speaker and has belonged to neither of the debating societies.
