
First Nine, 13; Second Nine 0.

The first and second nines played their first practice game of the season Saturday afternoon and, although the former easily defeated their opponents, their general play was only mediocre. On account of the extreme weakness of the second nine at the bat, the first team had comparatively little opportunity to show their ability in fielding. Of the infield, the work of Cook and Whittemore was sharp and clean. Stevenson was weak in throwing. Dickinson accepted all his chances. Highlands pitched the first part of the game and showed better command than in the previous practice. O'Malley supported him well until compelled to retire on account of an injury to his hand. Morton took his place. The batting of the first nine was weak, Gonterman and Cook being the only men who hit the ball at all hard. The baserunning was good, though it was due mainly to the wildness of the pitchers and the numerous errors of the second nine.

Frothingham, Sullivan, Trafford, Highlands, Abbott and Mason of last year's team watched the game but did not coach. The teams were made up as follows:

First nine-Whittemore, 2b.; Gonterman, c.f.; O'Malley, Morton, c.; Cook, 3b.; Dickinson, 1b.; R. Paine, l.f.; Stevenson, s.s.; Garrison, r.f.; Highlands, Wiggin, p.

Second nine-Scannell, c.; Paine, Perry, p.; Griffin, 1b.; Dean, 2b.; Flynn, s.s.; Winslow, 3b.; McCarthy, l.f.; Selfridge, c.f.; Manley, r.f.

Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


First nine 2 4 1 2 0 4 0-13

Second nine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0

Hits, first nine 7, second nine 4. Errors, first nine 0, second nine 7.
