ALL men intending to compete in the class championships next Monday must get Dr. Sargent's certificate for each and every event. Dr. Sargent will make such examinations as are necessary on Thursday and Friday afternoons between 2 and 4 o'clock.
H. M. WHEELWRIGHT, Captain,THE CRIMSON photograph will be taken next Tuesday at 1.30, instead of Monday.
CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Regular meeting tonight at 6.45 in Holden Chapel. All members of the University are invited.
FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Important rehearsal at 6.45. Every one must come.
J. M. LITTLE, JR., Sec.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 4.30 sharp.
R. L. SCALIFE, Sec.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- The following men will please be at Lawrence 1 Friday afternoon at 4.30, for a short rehearsal: Flint, W. H. Jones, White, Metcalf, Morgan, Ryerson, Thomas, Miller, Porter, Sharp, Taylor, Bell, Wrenn, Frothingham, Harvey.
J. D. GREENE.ALL candidates for the cricket eleven will be in the Carey Building cage today dressed to play at 4 p. m.
P. H. CLARK, Capt.47 tf
THE annual concert of the Harvard Glee Club for the benefit of the Prospect Union will be held in Union Hall, Cambridgeport, on Tuesday, April 24, at 8 o'clock. It is hoped that a large number of students will go. Tickets now on sale at Thurston's. tf
H. A. A.- All members of the University who have not yet joined the Association are urged to do so at once at Thurston's, or with secretary at 44 Weld; hours, 11-12, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
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