

The ninety-four football season has fairly begun. Fifty-two men responded to Captain Emmons's call for candidates, and are being put through a course of light training, preparatory to harder work later on.

The following is a list of the men: R. Duff '96, A. P. Teele '95, R. L. Raymond '95, A. Borden '96, T. L. Thompson '95, D. Tiffany '95, E. S. Livingood '95, C. S. Pierce '95, T. J. Manahan '96, M. T. Connor '97, N. M. O'Connor '97, A. Foster '96, J. L. Ketchum '96, K. K. Kubli L. S., G. F. Hagerman '97, R. G. Miller L. S., W. Tileston '95, P. Warren '96, J. F. Hall '97, R. H. Hallowell '96, S. B. McNear '95, C. W. Wadsworth '97, H. Hartwell '95, R. K. Fox '96, W. Laimbeer '97, I. Bowditch '97, G. Murchie '95, M. E. Stone '97, J. Hitch '95, R. Floyd '95, B. Faxon '96, J. D. Yost M. S., O. M. Eakins '97, D. J. J. Shea '97, P. M. Hamlin '96, J. K. Whittemore '95, A. L. Jackson '95, H. U. Wagner '97, C. H. Pierce '95, C. H. Hovey '97, R. D. Wrenn '95, A. Gould '96, S. Eddy '95, F. G. Shaw '97, F. Duffield '96, E. Cockrell '95, E. L. Bryant '95, E. N. Wrightington '97.

Besides these are T. Hoague, Hopkinson's, captain and center-rush of last year's team; Cabot, Bouve, Halis, A. H. Rice of Noble's, who will enter next year.

The work consists of a dumb-bell drill at the gymnasium, followed by a sharp run to Norton's Field, where a gridiron is marked out. Here the men are given some drill in following and dropping on the ball, after which they are lined up and instructed in blocking, breaking through, and tackling.

Besides this out-door work, a study of positions will be made evenings by talks with the men. The individual work and study will be put into practice by short, sharp practice games.


Two match games are to be played, one about May 9th, between men chosen from the present candidates, and another after the class races, in which men from the class crews are expected to take a prominent part.

A few of the men who show up well by the end of the week will be taken to the Carey Building. Others will be added from time to time as they show the required amount of improvement.

After the class races comes the Graduates' Cup kicking contest. In addition to this the football management will offer prizes for accurate punting, place and drop kicking, and for the best kicking under difficult conditions.
