
D. U. Theatricals.

The third annual theatricals of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity will be given in Union Hall, Boston, Monday evening, April 30. A performance will be given Saturday afternoon, April 28, for the members of the society and their friends.

The play, entitled "A Sorry Spectre," was written by Charles Emerson Cook '93, who is now dramatic editor of the Boston Budgett, and Carleton E. Noyes '95.

Following the policy of the society, which has been to produce, not a burlesque, but rather a play which shall call for serious criticism, the play this year is a comedy in three acts, which are named respectively, Death, Resurrection, and Re-incarnation. The plot embodies financial difficulties, spiritualism and love. Mr. Pickletop, the cause of all the trouble, in order to avoid his creditors is spirited away to a haunted house, where he is confined longer thean necessary by his secretary, Brattle, in order that Brattle may marry the old man's daughter, although Pickletop unknown to the others had already picked out Brattle for his son-in-law. Pickletop succeeds in escaping from the haunted house, and just as his debts are being paid by his secretary, appears before his creditors, when everything is explained. Local interest is added by the introduction of three college men, friends of Brattle.

The cast will be as follows: John Brattle, a Harvard graduate and private secretary to Mr. Pickletop, Carleton E. Noyes '95; Budd Rogers, a disciple of Sherlock Holmes, W. L. Van Kleeck '95; Benjamin Pickletop, Charles E. Cook '93; Charlie Rivers, Justin Towne and Sandy Cutter, college men and friends of Brattle, A. E. Bailey '94, S. P. White '95, and M. G. Norton '95; Mr. Cheatham, Mr. Skinner and Mr. Sharpe, creditors of Mr. Pickletop, F. W. Merriman '95, F. A. Dorman '94 and W. S. Youngman '95; Eleanor Pickletop, William Frazar Lee '94; Bathsheba Primrose, a miss with a mission, J. H. Chase '95; Suzanne, a fin de siecle maid, L. de F. Smith '96; Mrs. Casey, E. A. Mott-Smith '95.

The production is under the direction of Mr. E. E. Rose of the Boston Museum. The patronesses are Mrs. de Sumichrast, Mrs. Emerton, Mrs. Frank D. Allen and Mrs. David A. Wells.

