
The Remaining Hasty Pudding Performances.

Tonight and tomorrow night the last two performances of the Hasty Pudding Play, "Granada," will be given at the club house, Holyoke street, commencing at 8.30. Members of the University who have never seen the Pudding plays, as well as those who are familiar with them, will do well to attend one or the other of these two performances, as the club has probably never done better work. From the opening night in New York there has not been a question of the success of this year's play. The audiences at all four of the New York performances were large and very enthusiastic and the press notices were all highly flattering. In Boston the experience was practically the same and, judging from last night's performance, the Cambridge audiences will receive the play with equal favor. The music and libretto are bright and entertaining and the interest is very well sustained from beginning to end. Wednesday night's performance will be given for the benefit of the Frank Bolles Memorial Fund and those who wish to contribute to the fund will find this an agreeable way of doing so. Tickets are now on sale at Thurston's and will also be sold at the door before the performances.
