
No Headline

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under the same name, and thus produce a really superior paper. A stock company, to be called the University Press Company, has been formed, with a capital of $50,000.00. 5,000 shares at $10.00 apiece will be on sale and it is expected that the colleges will secure 300 to 400 shares each. Graduates of Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Cornell and Amherst have already bought stock. The magazine is to be printed on paper of superior quality, in good print; it is to be sewed together, instead of riveted and will be, altogether, very handsomely gotten up. There will be a department of general college news and also articles by prominent men all over the country. The editor-in-chief will be Mr. J. S. Wood; Mr. Walter C. Camp will have charge of the athletic, and Professor P. T. Austin of the scientific department. In addition to the editors there will be an advisory board of representatives of the various colleges in the country. The first issue will appear in June.

Shares at ten dollars each may be obtained by sending checks together with the name and address of the sender, to Mr. Henry G. Chapman, 56 Wall street, N. Y.
