
English C.


1. Are the advantages of the general table plan at Memorial Hall greater than the disadvantages?

2. Is the present increase in expensive college dormitories likely to result in changes in college life unfavorable to the best interests of Harvard?

3. Did Goethe wish the novel of Wilhelm Meister to be a picture of life about him, or an ideal study of character?

4. Was the architecture of the Renaissance in Northern Europe an outgrowth of popular needs and tastes?

5. Is the influence of Prussia sufficiently restrained by the German constitution?


6. Was the execution of the Dud d'Enghien justifiable?

7. Was Becket justified in his opposition to Henry II?

8. Is the comparison made by Charles F. Adams in his History of Mass. of the intolerance of the Puritans to that of Philip II just?

9. Was the neutrality of the U. S. in 1793 a violation of the treaty with France?

10. Was political ambition the determining factor in Calhoun's life?

11. Was Wendell Phillips's course in regard to slavery that of a true statesman?

12. Does the reign of M. Aurelius justify the desire of Plato that philosophers should be kings?

13. Is a state inheritance tax justifiable?

14. Are there grounds for saying that exchanges between countries rest on conditions different from those of exchanges between individuals?

15. Is cooperation the most promising method of advancing the welfare of workingmen?

16. Has the Interstate Commerce Act brought benefit to the people of the United States?

17. Was the issue of the legal tender notes during the civil war justified?

18. Has the United States any right under treaties to interfere in the Bluefields question?

19. Is Roseberry's policy likely to succeed?

20. Was the Howland will a forgery? (See 4 Amer. Law Rev. 625).

Briefs and forensics will be due May 1, 1894. They will be returned to the writers on May 24; those not called for then may be had only at the consultation on May 25 and 26. Unless properly called for they cannot be rewritten. Rewritten briefs and forensics will be due May 31.
