Professor T. H. Wright, of the New Church Theological School, addressed the Christian Association in Holden Chapel last evening. He compared the Parable of the Pounds with that of the Talents. In the Parable of the Pounds the master is represented as rewarding his servants with valuable gifts. As he leaves home in search of new kingdoms he tells them that on his return each will be required to render an account of the manner in which he has spent his money. When he returns he learns that some of the servants have invested their wealth at interest and have made new fortunes. To these the master gives great wealth and cities to rule over. One of the men, fearing lest he should lose what he already has, hides his money and gains nothing. To him the master gives only reproof for not having taken advantage of his opportunity.
The Parable of the Talents differs from the other in that the master rewards the faithful servants by permitting them to enter the kingdom of heaven. The unfaithful one is cast into outer darkness. These parables are applicable to college life. A student is apt to shirk his duties at the beginning of the year and his failure at the mid-year examinations corresponds to the reproof of the master. If he persists in not taking advantage of his opportunities he is sure to be cast into outer darkness at the finals.
He must be able to account for each day of his life and be careful to do nothing which in the years to come may bring regret. He should govern his life so that at the end he may render a worthy account to his master.
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