
Harvard Graduates' Magazine.

The March issue of the Harvard Graduates' Magazine contains some very able and timely discussions upon subjects which are, at present, absorbing the attention of Harvard men.

"The Abuses of Training," by a graduate of '91, condemns the present method of training for intercollegiate contests in very strong terms.

Mr. Lorin F. Deland presents some valuable and original suggestions on "How to Reform Football," which are of especial interest to all interested in that game.

The growth of the Harvard Annex and its development into Radcliffe College are admirably treated by Mr. J. B. Warner. A short sketch of Dr. Morgan's detailed description of the preparations which are being made for the presentation of Phormio, has already been published in the CRIMSON. The present number is noteworthy also on account of the memorial articles on Frank Bolles and Francis Parkman. Excellent portraits accompany both articles.
