
Address by Rev. R. M. Hunt.

The Reverend R. M. Hunt spoke before the St. Paul's Society last evening, taking as his text "And ye are not your own."

St. Paul said these words to encourage his companies when they were in danger by telling them that they were under God's care and that he would protect them. This idea was the inspiration of the life of St. Paul and we can only appreciate its true meaning when we apply it to our own lives. When we thus apply it, it seems to show us that we belong to God for these reasons. First because God is Father of us all and is constantly reminding men of all conditions of His constant supervision and care of them. The redemption of Jesus Christ is another reason which shows that we belong to God. We are through sin in the bondage of sin and Christ comes to free us, to redeem us from this bondage. Then again, perhaps in some still moment of prayer, we have yielded ourselves to the interest of religion, so that this also holds us in the service of God.

If this statement of St. Paul's is true, that we belong to God, a sense of sincerity follows. If we give ourselves to God, God will give us all the protection which He has the power to exert in Heaven and earth. A feeling of responsibility is

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