

ALL members of the faculty who desire one or two seats for the Irving Address of March 15 may obtain them by sending a stamped envelope to S. H. Foster, 37 Thayer, before March 9.

FOR SENIORS ONLY.- The photograph lists are being sent out to the members of '94 as fast as possible.

Remember that one is to be filled out and returned to Pach Bros.' Studio, the other to be retained as a duplicate.

H. WM. TUPPER, Manager. For Committee.18 3t

WILL the following men please come to 78 Mt. Auburn street, at 7.30, Tuesday, March 6, to talk over the Junior Dinner: W. K. Brice, C. M. Flandrau, H. S. Talbot, J. K. Whittemore.


PER ORDER CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE.'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- There will be a rehearsal Wednesday evening at seven o'clock at 26 Holyoke street.

H. R. STORRS, Sec.18 2t

DEUTSCHER VEREIN.- Important business meeting Thursday, March 8. All members are requested to be present.

WM. F. BOOS, Pres.EVENING prayer will be said every evening in 17 Grays at 6.30 p. m; Wednesdays at 7 p. m. All members of the University are invited to attend. 4t

HARVARD CAMERA CLUB.- Professor Norton will speak to the club at 9.30 p. m., in Sever 9. All members be present.

ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL CLUB.- There will be a business meeting and smoker at 16 Holyoke House, Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. All freshmen who have ever attended St. Paul's School are invited to be present.

