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The Camera Club exhibit, which will be closed tonight, is a highly praise-worthy affair. Nothing of the kind which has been seen in this vicinity for a considerable length of time has been superior to it. The exhibit not only eclipses all previous efforts of the Camera Club itself, and of all similar clubs in Cambridge, but it is, by competent photograph and art critics who are not connected with the University in any way, pronounced to be in no way inferior to the exhibits of the Boston Camera Club.

All the photographs are well mounted and well arranged. Many are noticeably good and not one can be called distinctly poor. The number of portraits is surprisingly large as compared with the total number of photographs exhibited. It seems also as if the members of the club had made a rapid advance in artistic appreciation. The photographs show not only technical skill, but good selection of subjects. We think it another good sign that the two leading prizes, which were last year given to members of the faculty, have this year been secured by undergraduates. The ability of the older members is recognized, and that the younger members should acquire superior ability speaks highly for their work. It is really remarkable that a small collection like this in an inconspicuous room in Sever should in five days attract twenty-five hundred people. Students, professors and strangers have made their way to the room.

We think that the officers of the Camera Club are to be highly commended. The progress which the club has made in the last year is phenomenal. In many other ways besides this exhibit have energy, care and taste been shown. We hope that the officers of the club who will soon assume control will allow no step to be taken backward. The Camera Club has it in its power to become one of the well known institutions of the University. We can say with confidence, to the students who have not yet been to the exhibit, that a visit would well repay them.
