
Freshman Nine.

The large number of '97 men who are trying for the 'varsity nine leaves the number and quality of the candidates for the freshman nine somewhat below the average. Most of them are very light and inexperienced and as a whole they show a lack of enthusiasm and snap.

The candidates for pitcher are showing up in the best form. There are eight now trying for this position. Of these, Burden from Groton, Hill from Hopkinson, Bradley from Somerville High School, and Gregory, who pitched for a preparatory school at Washington, show the best work.

The catchers are doing fairly well, but there is much room for improvement. Benson from St. Mark's is perhaps the best.

Bowditch is inexperienced and rather clumsy, but with good coaching he will improve. Field, though rather light, gives promise, and Hewes is fairly good.

The best candidate for first base is Porter, who played last year on the Adams Academy nine. Dexter and Marshall are also very fair at this position.


For second base Dean and Stevens are doing very well, but show a lack of experience.

Taylor and Castle are the best of the candidates for third base and shortstop, and both are doing very good work.

The material for the outfield is, on the whole, not very good, but there are a few good men.

At present the outlook for a good nine is rather dark, but with hard work on the part of both coaches and candidates a very fair ball team may be developed from the rather raw material now on hand.
