
Fogg Art Museum.

The work on the new Fogg Art Museum has not progressed as rapidly as was anticipated, but, at present, the foundations of the building are practically completed and the brick work will be commenced next week. The museum, which will be as nearly fire-proof as possible, will be constructed of buff Indiana limestone and the style of architecture is an adaptation of the classic. It will be two stories in height and will have a front of 115 feet and a depth of about 114 feet. The building will be divided into two main sections; the front of the building, which will be subdivided into smaller rooms and the rear, which will be a semi-circular lecture hall with a seating capacity of about seven hundred. Entrance to this theatre will be on both sides of the building. The main entrance, however, will be from the front and will lead directly into the cast museum, a large room 64 by 28 feet, situated in the center of the front division of the building. Adjoining the cast museum, on one side, there will be a professors' room, and, on the other, a room assigned to the curator and a room set apart for collections.

The general plan of the second floor is similar to that of the first and will consist of a library, a librarian's room, two large rooms for drawing and a professors' room.

Richard M. Hunt of New York is the architect and Norcross Bros. are the builders. It is the intention of the latter to have the building roofed by August 1, and completed by November 1.
