
Trial Debate.

This evening a trial debate will be held under the auspices of the Wendell Phillips Club and the Harvard Union, to select three speakers to represent Harvard in the coming debate with Yale. This will be the sixth in the Harvard-Yale series, and will be held in New Haven on or about April 27.

The trial tonight will take place in Sever 11 at 7.30 o'clock. The question is: "Resolved, That members of Cabinets should be given full membership in the House of Representatives." H. A. Cutler '94, will preside, and the judges will be Professor Le Baron R. Briggs, Assistant Professor Edward Cummings, and Mr. J. J. Hayes. In the actual debate with Yale, Harvard will have the negative side of the question; but this evening a candidate may take either side he wishes. The trial is open to all members of the University.
