There will be no regular second winter meeting this year as all the events, with the exception of putting the shot, welterweight sparring and featherweight wrestling, have had to be given up for lack of entries. The shot putting will take place at 3 p. m. on Saturday in the gymnasium, and the wrestling at 3.30 in the same place. The sparring will come at 4 p. m. in the rooms of the Sparring Club, 6 Brattle street.
The entries in these events are:
Putting the shot-J. P. Whittren '95, G. C. Chaney '94, E. Klein '95, K. K. Kubli L. S., A. P. Teele '95.
Sparring-W. A. D. Short '94, E. F. Champney '96.
Wrestling-N. Kishimoto, E. L. Saldana.
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