A meeting of the Christian Association for the semi-annual election of officers was held last night in Holden Chapel After the opening exercises Professor J. B. Thomas of the Newton Theological Seminary was introduced and addressed the association.
We often hear it affirmed, he said, that skepticism is a necessary condition of society. This, however, is not the case.
Skepticism, should be most carefully avoided. If we were to doubt everything society would become impossible. Doubt is a medicine and not a food. It may be resorted to occasionally, but as a reglar thing it is altogether impracticable.
While skepticism broods discord and discontent, faith cannot fail to bring peace and quiet to man for that which we believe the world to be, it becomes to us. The Christian is characteristically a believer, and has ceased trying to solve those spiritual problems which are beyond the reach of the finite mind.
After the address the semi-annual election of officers was held. The following were unanimously elected: R. T. Capen '95, president; W. L. Van Kleeck '95, first vice-president; J. M. Sturgis '96, second vice-president; R. C. Thomas '96, third vice-president; W. W. Orr '96, recording secretary; T. J. Abbott '96,
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