
Yale Vote on Athletic Rules.

NEW HAVEN, March 2.- The new constitution for the athletic association at Yale, together with the new eligibility rule, were submitted to the University for approval today. The new constitutions are designed to specify exactly the powers which shall be allowed to the managers of the athletic associations. The eligibility rule is modelled closely on the scheme of that adopted by Harvard. No one can play more than four years on any team; no first year man in the professional schools, and no special students are eligible.

The voting today is being done by secret ballot. It began at 9 o'clock and continued until 1 p. m., when the polls were closed for one hour. The balloting will stop at 5 o'clock. In the morning a very heavy vote was polled which was overwhelmingly in favor of the adoption of the new rules.

LATER.NEW HAVEN, March 3, 1.15 a. m.- The new athletic rules governing the eligibility of members of the athletic teams were ratified by a general vote of the university. The vote stood 496 in favor of the new rules to 15 against them. The rules will go into effect at once, and a number of men now on athletic teams will be disqualified.
