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The managers of the Winter Meetings are to be congratulated on having the courage to face an undesired situation, see its true import, and act accordingly. It is no disgrace that interest in sparring and wrestling has decreased in the University; the athletic association has provided means for the expression of such interest, while it existed, but the association was in no way responsible for its existence and has avoided a mistake by frankly acknowledging that the present interest is not strong enough to justify a meeting to which admissions should be charged. The spirit shown in the whole matter seems to us admirable; justice is to be done both to the men who have trained and to the general public.

We hope that Winter Meetings,- at least any to which admission is charged, are things of the past. We take this position, not because the Winter Meetings are bad but because they have out lived their usefulness. When there are many forms of athletics in which students eagerly take part the attempt to continue old forms which have little to recommend them except that they were once popular,- this seems to us like throwing good effort away. The meetings which are really needed are those held out-of-doors, and we are sure that such painstaking and conscientious work as the Athletic Association officials do, will make such a meeting an entire success.
